Events in the project
"See how we do it"
– Fruit growing
– Market gardening
– Pig breeding/ Poultry
– Production of cereals
Farms which will be visited will have completed projects from the previous programming period the goal will be visitors have the opportunity to learn from best practices. Participation in this type of event will take children – they will have opportunity to see real farming and to learn where the food comes from. A treasure hunt game will be organized for them to learn about farm, production and breeding animals in an easy and attractive way. Also the students will be invited to take part of the event. They can see good practices in agriculture and opportunities which RDP gives for young people to start their own agricultural business and the possibilities that the rural areas do offer. Young people will get familiar with the life in the rural areas, the production of food of high quality and the preserving of the natural resources from the farmers. A quiz will be organized for them. All participants will receive thematic gifts. Visits will end with an atelier of healthy eating, where participants will have the opportunity to prepare their own food themselves.And of course journalist – to reflect the event. Through representatives of the various media will promote the project and the events set in it among the general public and stakeholders.
Festival “From farm to fork”
This type of event will be held once for the period of the project. The appropriate time will be in the summer and appropriate place – rural area. The participants will be general public and will be able to locate their own stands and to advertise and trade their products under the rules for practice of commercial activities. Through information stands and tents will be presented initiatives, approaches, funding opportunities and other useful information addressed to organizations and population, the local small and medium enterprises in the field of organic production, ecology, environment, life and health. Local producers, farmers and housewives will be invited not only to present traditional products for the table of the people of the region, but also to share the recipes for their preparation in order to preserve the healthy culinary traditions that existed among the local people, which are already disappearing. The journalists will be invited to reflect the event.
Participation in exhibitions with information desks
Through information stands and tents in 3 most popular exhibition in country will be presented initiatives, approaches, funding opportunities and other useful information addressed to organizations and population, the local small and medium enterprises in the field of organic production, ecology, environment, life and health. Booklets and books for children will be disseminated, also brochures with information for incoming events, website and game. Will be determined and, where necessary provided technical opportunities for the organization of stands, meetings and short lectures, video presentations.
Seminars in 6 regions of the country – the planned seminars will be hold in the six regions of the country.
Seminars in agricultural universities
Holding seminars in 5 big cities where there are agricultural universities – this type of event will be hold in 5 big cities in Bulgaria with agro universities – Sofia, Varna, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Svishtov.
Bulgarian Farmers' National Meeting 2019
Participation in the Bulgarian Farmers’ National Meeting 2019, with a panel dedicated in CAP – In the Bulgarian Farmers’ National Meeting every year participate more than 500 people – farmers, entrepreneurs in the rural areas, representatives of institutions and various NGOs, media, etc. The new aspects of CAP, their role and priorities will be part of the themes of the meeting.
Contest – innovative young farmer
The aim of the competition is to popularize innovation in agriculture and to encourage young entrepreneurs engaged in farming, which are using new methods, technologies or specific know-how in a given sector or region. The idea is to emphasize the central role of young farmers in rural areas, to make more visible the innovative approaches they take to agricultural development and diversification. The aim of the European Young Farmers Award is to promote their positive image and demonstrate their activities characterized by innovation, sustainability and market orientation. They will be awarded three prizes in the following categories:
Best project
Most sustainable project
Most Innovative Project
The winner will be selected during the concluding conference. Criteria and conditions for the competition will be drawn up.
Concluding conference
The concluding conference will make a summary of the results from the implementation of the project. It will focus on CAP and its instruments applied in the two countries – similarities and differences, common problems and opportunities. On the closing conference will be bestowed the award for Innovative young farmer. Representatives of: the media, local and regional authorities, small farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs, researchers and trainers working in agriculture and food processing as well as other interested citizens will be invited to participate.
Past events
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Министрите по селско стопанство на всяка от провинциите в Германия постигнаха споразумение за прилагането на реформираната ОСП, като планират да се насочат 47% от разходите за селско стопанство към постигане на екологични цели. По време на среща в Берлин през миналата...
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The information campaign is being implemented under the Contract No AGRI 2018-0218, co-financed by the European Commission.
All publications on the website reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Contact with the project team:
The Bulgarian Association of Agricultural Producers (BAAP)
аddress: Sofia 1606
29, Vladayska Str., fl. 1, office 8
phone:+359 2 951 62 65
campaign website: