Priorities and role of Common agricultural policy, or how CAP helps to be reached balanced development of rural areas.

Why CAP is so important for EU? and Why we need CAP?

These are very important issues that the present proposal has the task to answer.

The theme “CAP – HOT SPOT” will show how CAP by sharing best practices, but also challenges, in implementing of the Commission´s priorities – job creation and growth, viable food production, sustainable management of natural resources, balanced development of rural areas PR the CAP will enable rural actors and other stakeholders to learn from each other.

The specific objectives in this project “CAP – HOT SPOT’’ are closely related to the target groups, identified as key target groups on the one side, and with the specific goals of BAAP which has always worked for improving the image and the knowledge for the agricultural sector and the rural areas among the public and especially among young people living and working in the urbanized area of the country on the other side. Raising awareness of each of the defined target groups by using a number of tools about:

  1. How the CAP helps farmers to stabilise their revenues and in this way produces positive effects in terms of employment in rural areas;
  2. How the opportunities offered by the CAP, helps farmers to increase investments, to develop their competitiveness, be more responsive to market opportunities with great effects on growth and to ensure food security and rural environmental protection;
  3. How CAP contributes environmental protection, climate and water and to improve quality life both in rural and urban areas.

These specific objectives have to show relationship between sustainable agriculture, environmental protection, adapting to climate change, employment and incomes in agriculture, healthy and high-quality way of eating.

They should present the agriculture as sector, attractive for the youth, should be competitive and dynamic, and profitable. The objective is not only to highlight positive experiences, but also to encourage young citizens in urban areas to support this kind of initiatives and to be inspired and seek for new opportunities in rural areas.

About BAAP

The Bulgarian Association of Agricultural Producers (BAAP) has been registered under national law in 2004. Since its very foundation the organization has realized many successful projects and initiatives, has participated in the elaboration of the normative organization in the sector and has increased the number of its members several times. The organization participates is national and regional structures, participates also in various working groups in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and State Fund Agriculture.


Members of BAAP are people, companies and other organizations for which agriculture is a serious business, that are pragmatic and innovative thinking, wanting to be fair and competitive on the European market.

Regional and branch representation of the Association

BAAP unifies large-scale and middle-sized farmers from different regions of the country that represent the main branches in agriculture.

Which are the target groups

The aim of the project is to achieve the general public in Bulgaria. All activities and measures will be implemented at National /multiregional level and will be targeted to the largest possible number of people in Bulgaria, as:

o Farmers from all branches of the sector

o People living in the rural areas

o Urban citizens and families (especially young citizens)

o Students and children

o Specialized media

o Institutions, NGO, Business, Educational workers

Contact us 

Consent Policy


phone: +359 2 951 62 65



Sofia 1606, Bulgaria

29, Vladayska Str. Fl. 1, office 8

The information campaign is being implemented under the Contract No AGRI 2018-0218, co-financed by the European Commission.

All publications on the website reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Contact with the project team:

The Bulgarian Association of Agricultural Producers (BAAP)


аddress: Sofia 1606

29, Vladayska Str., fl. 1, office 8

phone:+359 2 951 62 65


campaign website: